Dem don give you student loan, but before you start dey pay back, dem give you small time to relax. Dis na wetin we call grace period. E good make you know wetin to do during dis time so dat e no go turn wahala for your head later.
No Spend Money Wey No Be Necessary
No be every kain money wey dey your hand now suppose comot because of enjoyment or flexing. Make sure say the money wey you spend during dis period na only on top things wey important well-well like food and shelter.
Sabi Wetin You Owe
E beta if you sabi how much money dem borrow give you and how much interest come join am. Dis one go help you plan yourself well-well so dat when the time reach to pay back, e no go shock your body.
Find Work or Hustle Small Small
If possible, try find work or hustle small-small during dis grace period so dat by the time e finish, you don already get some kind income wey fit help reduce stress for your life when payment start.
Avoid Late Payments Like Devilish Disease
If by any chance payment day show face and e meet up with your own deadline without paying, my brother/sister run o! Late payments fit bring wahala for your credit score and even increase the amount of money wey dem wan collect from una.
In conclusion, make sure say as soon as this grace period finish, begin arrange yourself well-well to start paying back that student loan sharp-sharp. No let am turn yamayama for your life o!